The Student Labour Programme (SLP) is a significant part of the whole-life education approach of ACU. Setting Christian worldview development as a goal of higher education requires the work of God’s Spirit in the life of each student. This invokes the role of prayer and God’s Word (Ephesians 6:18, 1 Timothy 4:4-5) as critical components of ACU’s educational endeavours. The SLP is the hands-on, practical experience of the Christian worldview where intensive discipleship occurs supplementing the classroom and other extra-curricular expressions of the Christian worldview at ACU.

ACU intends that students experience the Christian worldview throughout their education. Many practical aspects of the Christian worldview may run contrary to the cultural experience of the students. The principles of subduing the earth as God’s image bearer (Genesis 1:26-28) and of cultivating (nourishing, promoting or advancing) and keeping (maintaining, sustaining and controlling) the earth’s resources over which God has made us His stewards (Genesis 2:15 and 1:26-28) are critical aspects of living out a Christian worldview for God’s glory.

Africa has not developed according to this Christian worldview. There is need to develop this worldview as the motivation for hard work and an other-oriented, service mentality exemplifying that by serving God through our labours (where our labour in itself is the way we glorify God and please Him through our obedience) we are showing love to one another for their good and not solely for our own benefit.

ACU desires that every student experience a missional lifestyle that purposes the growth of the kingdom of God through His church. Students are being equipped as ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20) in every academic discipline for their vocational service to God.

The full SLP Purpose is available.