The Student Labour Programme (SLP) at African Christian University (ACU) is an integral component to whole-life, Christian-worldview education. The SLP has been envisioned for many reasons related to Christian discipleship. Let’s start with some clear, historical evidence affirming the potential of such programmes, with similarity to the original Zambian National Service Programme.

Booker T. Washington (1856-1915)

He was an educator who promoted success for black Americans through education and economic advancement. Dr. Washington demonstrated a concept of critical importance at that time in early American industrialisation. His academic programmes assured the importance of blacks in the industrialising economy of the white-dominated USA, as opposed to only demanding civil rights through protests and other legal avenues.

Whole-life, Christian Education in Africa

Africa was largely industrialised through colonisation and continues to rely heavily on foreign assistance to advance. There remains a serious need for Africans to experience and develop an indigenous approach to industrialisation.

A Call to Kingdom Labour

Perhaps you are a Christian practicing a construction trade, farming or business and have a passion to disciple others in the Christian life through your work. We are seeking those who are well-practiced in living out their Christian worldview in the way they apply their craft. In other words, we are seeking those who work with excellence, integrity and thoughtfulness towards others.

The full SLP Historical is available